8 Spiritual Symbols and Their Meaning

8 Spiritual Symbols and Their Meaning

Are you fascinated by sacred symbols from around the world? Do you wonder what they represent? If so, you're not alone. Many people find themselves naturally attracted to certain ancient symbols without knowing why.

Throughout the ages, spiritual symbols have conveyed the highest truths of our existence. 

Communicating directly with the subconscious, these powerful images were created as guides to lead seekers towards enlightenment. By looking at them, one can receive deep understanding and wisdom.

Continue reading to learn about eight ancient symbols and their meanings.

Eight Powerful Spiritual Symbols

Sacred symbols are many in number and their histories are fascinating. These eight spiritual symbols, crossing various cultures and religions, came into form to point human beings towards the indescribable and eternal reality.

By understanding the meanings of these spiritual symbols, you can better integrate them into your life. These symbols are the keys to true peace and wisdom.


There's a lot to be said about this sacred Sanskrit syllable. It is a central symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Om is the primordial sound that refers to both Atman (the Self) and Brahman (ultimate reality). 

Om contains three sounds; a, u, m. These sounds represent the union of body, mind, and spirit, as well as creation, manifestation, and destruction. Om also refers to the three states of consciousness and the underlying truth: Waking, dreaming, deep sleep, and the eternal background that these three changing states occur within.

Chanting Om can have powerful effects and is a direct pointer to your own infinite existence. It is chanted as the beginning of mantras to invoke the divine.

The Cross

The symbol of the cross is associated with Christianity, recalling the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The cross is often worn as symbolic jewelry to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins. Interestingly, it symbolizes suffering and defeat as well as triumph and salvation.

The four points of the cross are alluding to the four natural elements (earth, wind, air, fire) and the four cardinal points (north, south, east, west). In pre-Christian times, the cross was a Pagan symbol.

Yin Yang

This is an important sacred symbol in China and Japan. It's a well-known Taoist symbol that represents the flow of good and evil, light and darkness. Within the white half is a black dot, and within the black half is a white dot. This represents the balance and interconnected nature of life.

Yin is the feminine and Yang is the masculine. Together, they are in harmony and represent the entire play of the universe and everything within it.

Lotus Flower

The lotus flower is particularly popular in the East. This beautiful emblem is regarded by many different cultures as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and rebirth. It's the main symbol of Buddhism.

Its leaves represent harmony, infinite potential, and spiritual illumination. The lotus flower grows into something glorious from the depths of dirty and muddy water. This symbolizes the human transformation from suffering towards ultimate freedom.

Buddha is often seen sitting on a lotus flower, and the Egyptian sun god was born from the bud of the lotus flower at dawn.

Star of David

This is a famous Jewish symbol that symbolizes the connection between man and God. It is a symbol of oneness. The good deeds of man are represented by the triangle pointing up to God, and His spiritual energies are pointing downward towards man.

Kabbalists popularized the Star of David as a magical symbol that can protect believers against evil spirits. The Star has been adopted by Jews as a symbol of their religion, and they wear it as jewelry, much like the Cross for Christians.


The Ankh originates in Egypt and is one of the first known cross symbols. It is a hieroglyphic character that represents eternal life. This sacred emblem brings good luck and protection against evil energies.

It also symbolizes the key of life or the key to the afterlife. The Egyptians used the Ankh in funerals, and you can find this spiritual symbol in many Egyptian tombs. It's a powerful symbol for life after death.


The Caduceus is the symbol of Hermes and represents the elements of water, air, fire, and earth. As per the legend, the Greek god Hermes halted a fight between two snakes by throwing his rod at them. This sacred symbol, which coincidentally is very similar to the Kundalini symbol of the East, represents fertility, rebirth, and rejuvenation. 

The two serpents intertwined symbolize the importance of harmony and balancing the duality of good and evil, light and darkness, and life and death.

The Tree of Life

This symbol is sacred to many cultures and represents the interconnectedness of the whole universe. The tree is a spiritual symbol of strength and growth, as well as ancestry and fertility.

It also represents immortality and rebirth because trees seem to die in winter but flourish once again in spring. Even as The Tree of Life grows old, its immortal essence lives on through new saplings.

The roots of the tree plunge deep into the nether world, while the branches reach upwards towards heaven. The trunk exists in the physical world and connects all three worlds.

Enriched With Wisdom

These prolific symbols are enriched with deep meaning. They've come into form to guide human beings into the spiritual world from where they originate.

Remarkably, many of these spiritual symbols have developed simultaneously in various parts of the world. Some of these traditions are seemingly unrelated but, through their connection to the divine, they have often created similar sacred symbols.

If you are inspired by sacred symbols, we recommend that you check out our range of symbolic design jewelry.